About ICEED 2019

Eco engineering embraces both green and ecological engineering that emphasize to protect human health and environment. The main objective of eco engineering is to develop sustainable ecosystems, sustainable water management, manufacturing processes, building design and construction, disaster management and climate change impact, smart material and communication, renewable energy, that have more ecological values as well as to restore the disrupted ecosystems and polluted environment. It challenges for engineering professionals and scientists as well as researchers and academics, to achieve this goal. The appearance of the fourth industrial revolution or IR 4.0 in the direction of automation, big data, cloud, sensors, robotics, predictive maintenance, connectivity, 3D printing, cyber security, augmented reality, digital innovation, etc., can enhanced the performance of eco engineering. Although IR 4.0 is still in its very early stages, the industry, government and academia will all have the role to introduce it for sustainable environment, engineering, energy and technology development. The 3rd International Conference on Eco Engineering Development (ICEED 2019) goal, therefore, is to provide the knowledge enrichment and innovative technical exchange between International researchers/scholars and practitioners from the academia and industries. The conference will cover a spectrum of topics, from theoretical results to concrete applications and solutions: Sustainable Infrastructure and Transportation, Energy, Water and Renewable Energy, Sustainable Industry and Green Manufacturing, Sustainable Architecture, Integrated of Smart Computing and Communication, and Green Food Technology.
The 3rd ICEED 2019, which will be held in Solo, Indonesia on November 13-14, 2019 invites the unpublished and original research works related to the topics to be submitted to this conference in the form of manuscript paper with minimum of 4 pages and maximum of 10 pages, including figures, tables, references, acknowledgement and appendices.
All accepted papers in ICEED 2019 will be published in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Conference Series is an open-access proceeding publication indexed by ISI Web of Science, Scopus, EI Compendex.
Link to IOP Conference Series : IOPScience