Eco Engineering, Technology, Planning and Design for Sustainable Living and Environment

Jakarta, 10 and 11 November 2020
Theme: “Eco engineering, technology, planning and design for sustainable living and environment”
The 4th International Conference on Eco Engineering Development (ICEED) 2020 takes the theme of “Eco engineering, technology, planning and design for sustainable built environment and living” as to response the challenge of the 21th century, particularly on the method, technology and the usage of natural resources for any kind of development. Sustainable in built environment is one of the sustainable goals that United Nation (UN) appointed to be achieved, and sustainable living is the way to embark.
Sustainable living means an attempt to reduce the ecological footprint on the use of natural resources which it can be carried out by ensuring the relation of living organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings. This relation is essentially necessary as the principle of thinking for the development of engineering and the improvement of technology in all fields, as well as planning and design for a built environment.
This international conference, therefore, seeks for any research that contributes to the ecological development and invites all academician, practitioners as well as students to come and join this event not only to gain current knowledge and technology, but also to broad network which in return to make any possible collaboration.
In relation to the theme of the 4th ICEED 2020, it opens any research with the following area:
- Sustainable Infrastructure and Transportation, Energy, Water and Renewable Energy
- Sustainable Industry and Green Manufacturing
- Sustainable Architecture
- Integrated of Smart Computing and Communication
- Green Food Technology
All accepted papers in ICEED 2020 will be published in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Conference Series is an open-access proceeding publication indexed by ISI Web of Science, Scopus, EI Compendex.