- All papers of ICEED 2025 will be submitted to IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
- The publication will depend on (1) IOP EES’ policy and topics, and (2) the adherence to the IOP publication template, and (3) adherence to ICEED’s scope.
- Morressier will be used as the submission system, please submit to
- While there are several aspects that must be prepared before the launching of the submission system for ICEED, please kindly prepare the manuscripts based on the template for IOP EES.
- The template can be accessed here
Scope of IOP EES:
Scope of ICEED:
- It is also encouraged to include your ORCID profile in the submission. Please register at
- The original manuscript that has not been published elsewhere should contain 5-10 pages, including title, abstract, keywords, the main text (eg. Introduction, Experimental, Results and Discussion and Conclusion), acknowledgements (optional) and references.
To ensure your research aligns with the global sustainability agenda, consider incorporating relevant SDG keywords in the following sections of your paper:
- Title: Briefly mention a relevant SDG in the title to grab attention and clearly indicate the paper’s contribution to the broader goals.
- Abstract: Summarize the connection between your research and specific SDGs within the abstract.
- Keywords: Include relevant SDG keywords alongside other essential keywords to improve discoverability for researchers and stakeholders interested in specific SDGs.
- Additional Resources: Utilize the list of SDG Research Publication Keywords offered by BINUS University:
By incorporating relevant SDG keywords, you enhance the visibility and impact of your research within the context of the global Sustainable Development Goals.